אומרים שנשים הן מלכות המולטיטאסקינג. העניין הזה מעולם לא הומחש טוב יותר מאשר בתמונות המדהימות בהן מתועדות נשים שמזינות שני ילדים שונים בעת ובעונה אחת. נדרשות לפלא הפלאים הזה אמהות לתאומים, או אמהות להן שני ילדים קרובים בגיל ששניהם דורשים חלב, ויש דווקא משהו יעיל להפליא בתמונות המראות את העניין בפעולה. באנגלית זה נקרא הנקת טנדם, בדיוק כפי שאופניים לשני רוכבים נקראים אופני טנדם, והתגית הזו חושפת עולם קסום של ניצול זמן מירבי וחיבור מחבק בין שלושה.

״אין ספק שכשנדרשת הנקה כפולה, זה לא דבר של מה בכך", אומרת הילרי פלאוור, אם לשלושה ומחברת ספר בשם ׳הרפתקאות בהנקה כפולה׳, שנותן עצות ותמיכה למי שנדרשת לבצע את המשימה המאתגרת. ״בספר אני נותנת תשובות למגוון השאלות שנשאלתי בכל התקופה בה הנקתי שני ילדים, בחלקה הייתי בהריון. נעזרתי בחוכמת האמהות. מעל מאתיים אמהות מסביב לעולם תרמו לספר. המסקנה היא שלכל אישה חוויה שונה, הרפתקה אחרת, שמייצרת המון הומור והארות קטנות״.

#Repost @fed_is_best ・・・ Sometimes even after trying everything humanly possible, #breastfeeding just doesn't happen. @laylaygibson you are doing an amazing job ✨ ・・・ Breastfeeding: I tried everything in my power to build a supply for my girls. Pumping, lactation consultants, mothers milk tea/vitamins, formula wired to my nipples, up all hours of the night and having emotional breakdowns not understanding why my body couldn't build up any milk over the last month. Due to the way my birth went and excess of fluids in my body and trauma, my breasts aren't able to supply even enough milk for one baby. I never thought I would have problems breastfeeding and realize now I did the absolute best I could do. I wanted to thank my friends who have supplied my girls with their milk @kikialamode and @kacej. I'm so lucky to have friends like you!!! I also feel like people don't talk about how hard breastfeeding can be and if you can BF you're incredibly lucky. I pump all day to be able to provide my girls with one ounce of my milk, and I've excepted that's the best I can do. All I can give them is my love and that's most important. ✨ #fedisbest #lessjudgementmorelove #twinmagic #donormilk #bottlefeeding

A photo posted by @katievigos RN Doula+Placentas (@empoweredbirthproject) on

Friends, I've started a new page called @fed_is_best ���� inevitably, whenever I've posted about bottle feeding I receive judgmental comments about how breast is best (it is, but that's not the point), that person should do whatever it takes to breastfeed, how dare you promote formula, etc etc... It's not always that simple! @fed_is_best is a safe place for people to share their feeding journeys of ALL kinds-- bottle, breast, toddler, tandem, NICU, feeding tube, and more. Join the movement by following the page and sharing your story with us through DM and/or the tag #fedisbest �� because we could all use less judgement and more love �� #Repost @fed_is_best ・・・ ✨Tandem breastfeeding✨ the magic of feeding two tiny humans at the same time �� #fedisbest #breastfeeding #tandembreastfeeding #motherhood �� @annahutchisonphotog mama @shelsinki

A photo posted by @katievigos RN Doula+Placentas (@empoweredbirthproject) on

#Repost @hein_koh with @repostapp ・・・ #tbt 5/19/15 when my #twins were 5 weeks old and despite the sleep deprivation and frequent (every 2-3 hours, 24-7, 45 min at a time) #breastfeeding, I was still getting shit done. #MarinaAbramovic thinks children hold women back in the art world, but as @dubz19 put so aptly, "FUKKK THAT". All Marina knows is her own experience, and it may be true for her, but that is not everyone's experience nor truth. Becoming a #mom (of twins no less) has personally helped me become a better #artist - I learned to be extremely efficient with my time, prioritize what's important and let go of the rest, and #multitask like a champ. I learned to function (even if barely) on very little sleep, and out of the chaos, insanity and even torture at times, a flood of new emotions entered into my work, becoming more interesting & layered as a result. I'm also not saying that artist parents are better artists than non-parent artists, or that choosing not to be a parent will deny you access to these learning experiences. What I am saying is that parenting is like any other challenge in life - the biggest fucking challenge in my own life thus far - and if you embrace it and figure out creative solutions, you can emerge a better person. It's important to think about the ways in which these challenges can help you move forward, rather than hold you back. #artistmom #tandembreastfeeding #multitasking #heinkoh #greenpoint #brooklyn #nyc

A photo posted by JaqueLina Vizcarra (@tengogatos) on


My sweet babies! A beautiful shoot to honor World Breastfeeding Week last week. ❤

A photo posted by Jenn Gladish (@jenngladish) on